Notice: Supplementary Examination of Summer Semester 2023
Summer Semester Supplementary Examination 2023 for the students of different programmes who failed and did not appear in some courses in the Summer Semester Final Examination 2023 will begin from third week of February 2024. Detailed exam schedule will be announced later on.
Concerned students are advised to pay Examination Fees and apply for appearing at Summer Semester Supplementary Examination 2023 (Maximum Three Courses) mentioning Course Code and Course Title to the Controller of Examinations on or before 05 February 2024.
Students will have to pay examination fees as per rate given below:
a) Dropped/Failed
: Tk. 2000/= (per course)
Deposit Slip of Examination Fees and two copies of passport size photograph are to be attached along with the application.
This notice is issued with the order of the Competent Authority.
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