Expected Results

Institutional Performance:

 Transparency and accountability in teaching and academic management
 Accreditation of study programs
 Introduction of the outcome-based education in a step by step manner.

Formulation of Benchmark:

 Put in place self-assessment and peer-evaluation mechanisms

Management Practices:

To further enhance the overall management system of Metropolitan University in terms of:

 Availability of relevant information.
 Clear research and publication guidelines
 Clear recruitment, retention and promotion policies
 Availability of classroom text and reference materials
 Availability of e-books and e-journals to student.

Quality Culture:

 Self-assessment of each program and all the courses of that program.
 Skill development of teachers, staffs and student via training, workshops and seminars
 Integration of course evaluation of teachers and students
 Motivate students and teachers to foster research and publication culture

Qualifications Framework:

 Ensure standard academic qualifications by investigating questionable publications, degrees, academic credentials, etc.
 Fine-tune existing rules and policies to ensure and maintain standard qualifications infrastructure of Metropolitan University.

Study/Academic Programs:

 Updated study/academic programs through outcome-based education according to market needs.
 Introduce the concept of living curriculum by replacing traditional curriculum.
 Ensure that the Academic Committee and Departmental Development Committee or each entity work collaboratively to ensure quality study/academic program.

Self-assessment of Study Programs:

 All academic programs will be self-assessed and peer reviewed.
 Students, academics, administrative authorities and consultants will be engaged in the self and peer-assessment procedure.

Accreditation of Study Programs:

 Accreditation will be sought for professional programs of MU from relevant international and national accreditation bodies.

Validation of Study Programs:

 Constant updating and upgrading of study programs will be maintained.
 No programs will be introduced without validating them from relevant national, international bodies and consultants.
 IQAC will monitor all study programs of MU through its own mechanisms.

Student Learning:

 Students’ autonomy will be prioritized to promote ubiquitous learning.
 Take-home exams, open-book exams, assignment/project-based assessment, virtual-classrooms, blended-learning will be explored to meet the requirements of twenty first century learning which is compatible internal standards in order to foster outcome-based education.

Student Evaluation of Teachers:

 MU has put in place a teacher evaluation by student at the end of each term.
 Further improvement of the objectivity of student evaluation of teachers.

Teaching, Learning and Learning Assessment:

 Teacher autonomy and androgynous learning will be further strengthened to improve the existing quality of teaching.
 Summative and formative assessment criteria will be explored to enhance assessment process of MU.
 Teaching and learning autonomy will be integrated in the programs of MU.
 Detailed course outline and lesson plans will be explored.

Research and Outreach programs:

 MU will further improve its research and outreach initiatives by encouraging teachers and students to actively engage in research and publication.
 Seminars, workshops, training, conferences presentation opportunities will be made available for teachers and students.
 MU library will provide strong support to foster research and outreach activities.
 Detailed course outline and lesson plans will be explored.

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