Research Cell

There is a full-fledged research cell named ‘Center for Research and Publication’ working within the University under the supervision of a Professor. The goal of the research center is to encourage, conduct and publicise research. The center conducts seminars, workshops, tours and publishes various research/resource materials on current issues.

Centre for Training, Research & Publication

Teaching and research should go side by side. Teaching with research can become more useful, effective and interesting than without it. Conducting studies and research presumably supports and enriches teaching materials. Depending on books written by foreign authors based on alien and unfamiliar environments and situations with examples drawn from those conditions without support of relevant materials of local and national origin tends to ruake both teaching and learning distracting and very difficult.

The result of the above reasons is the establishment of the Centre for Research & Publication (CRP). The main objectives of establishment are:

1. To conduct studies and research on various aspects / issues of business administration with a view to generating information primarily for use in teaching.

2. To provide a forum to the teachers of the University to carry out studies and research in their respective fields of specialisation and interest, thereby enabling them to enrich their teaching materials with examples from real life of local situations. The areas of research / studies will include management, marketing, finance, communication, accounting, personnel management, management information systems, business ethics etc.

CRP has organised so far talks and seminars on the following topics:

1. Research Methodology

2. Industrial Management with reference to Chhatak Cement Co. Ltd.

3. Banking system in Bangladesh

4. Herbal Medicine: Efficacy and Potentials

5. Poverty Reduction Strategy of the Govt. of Bangladesh

6. Research Techniques as applied to Business Management

7. Challenge in Management: A case of Lafarze Plant

8. Environment Impact of Land Use Pattern Change in Sylhet Region


1. A team of 8 members led by the Chairman of CTRP Professor Dr. Md. Nazrul Haque Chowdhury of Metropolitan University Sylhet has performed a practical and observatory field study to analyze the real scenario of education from primary to higher secondary levels in 2016-2017. It was not feasible to investigate into the overall scenario of the proposed levels for the whole country, so the CTRP decided to select Sylhet Division ( Sylhet, Maulovibazar, Habiganj and Sunamganj districts) as sample area, taking it in mind that the overall scenario of Sylhet Division will reflect more or less the whole country with no significant variation.

After the completion of overall investigations of the academic and administrative situation of the said levels, a study report (of pages 221) titled “An Independent Review of the Existing Education System from Primary to Higher Secondary Levels in Bangladesh(Study area-Sylhet Division)” comprising real scenario, findings and recommendations has been set in position and presented before the Honorable Education Minister. The copies of this report had also been sent to the Honorable Chairman of UGC, Director General of DSHE, Director General of NAEM, the Chairman and Inspectors of Schools and Colleges of Sylhet Education Board, Director & Deputy Director of Education of Sylhet region, four Deputy Commissioners of Sylhet, Moulovibazar, Habiganj and Sunamganj districts, Secondary Education Officer and Primary Education Officer of Sylhet district.

2. A seminar provided for the teachers of Metropolitan University on ‘Service Rules’ presented by the CTRP Chairman in 2017.

3. A seminar provided for the teachers and Office Staff of Metropolitan University on “ Casualty in Consequence of Adverse Weather- Necessity to become Weather-wise.” in 2017.

4. University authority always arranges workshops for newly recruited teachers , discussant is also hired from CTRP.

5. CTRP always inspires the teachers to do research on their own fields (relevant) for upgrading the teaching quality of their own as well as of the University .

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