Day-long Workshop on "Law Career Development"
Department of Law & Justice, Metropolitan University arranged a day-long workshop on "Law Career Development". Pro Vice Chancellor of the University Professor Shiba Prasad Sen inaugurated the workshop on Saturday, the 24th November 2018 in Professor M. Habibur Rahman Library Hall. The programme was presided over by the Dean of the School of Law Professor Dr. M. Rabiul Hossain and anchored by Nishat Tabassum, a student from LL.B 35th?Batch. Mr. Gazi Saiful Hasan, Head of the department of Law & Justice delivered the welcome speech. Dr. Toufique Rahman Chowdhury, Chairman, Board of Trustees was the Chief Guest. All the faculty members of the department attended the workshop. The department arranged the workshop for the law graduates to provide guidance to get them involved in many potential professions in the future. Students of Metropolitan University, North East University, Sylhet and Premier University, Chittagong attended the workshop. Mr. Sudipta Arjun, the advocate of Bangladesh Supreme Court; Mr. Nirjon Kumar Mitra, Senior Assistant judge of Sylhet District Judge?s Court; Mr. Masum Arefin, Assistant Director of the Department of National Consumer Rights Protection; Mr. Dipankar Roy, Deputy General Manager of Bangladesh House Building Finance Corporation; Ms. Tasnuva Tajin, Legal Aid Officer of UNDP; Md. Najmul Ahad, Assistant Manager (Legal) of City Bank and Mr. Misbah Uddin, SUST Correspondent, The Daily Prothom Alo conducted 7 sessions in the day long workshop. The students were awarded certificates at the end of the workshop.
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