Exploring the Cosmos at the 'In-House Bootcamp: Pale Blue Dot Challenge'

On January 24, 2024, the ‘Metropolitan University Geography and Astronomical Society’ (MUGAS) proudly hosted the 'In-House Bootcamp: Pale Blue Dot Challenge' at Metropolitan University. Originally launched by the ‘NASA Tournament Lab’, this challenge represents a collaborative effort between NASA, the U.S. Mission to International Organizations in Vienna (UNVIE), and the ‘UN Office for Outer Space Affairs’ (UNOOSA), bringing the wonder of the cosmos to our very own Pale Blue Dot!

We were honored by the online presence of Ariful Hasan Opu, President of the ‘Bangladesh Innovation Forum’ and Advisor for ‘NASA Space Apps Challenge BD’. Additionally, Sakib Ahmed, Founder and CEO of ‘Quitlab.tech’ and a Global Finalist in the ‘NASA Space Apps Challenge 2023’, joined us to offer his invaluable insights. The ‘BSMRAAU AI & Robotics Club’ partnered with us for the event, and we were grateful for the guidance and encouragement from our dedicated faculty at Metropolitan University.

Together, we took another step toward the stars! 

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