Memorable Ekush and International Mother Language Day, 2014 Celebration
  ?Language revolutionary movement is the pioneer of our Sadhin Bangladesh. Liberty of Bangladesh is ripen corps of our Language revolutionary movement. So, the spirit of Language revolutionary movement has to be nourished within us for preserving our overall freedom.? We have to work together to establish national unity and brotherhood if we want to make successful of our Language revolutionary movement?. Those lines were quoted by honorable Chairman of Board of Trusties Dr. Toufique ?Rahman Chowdhury in an open discussion program. The program was about memorable Ekush and International Mother Language Day, 2014 that took place in metropolitan University. Honourable treasurer of this university Prof. Shib Prasad? Sen was the president of this program.? In this program, special guest honourable former VC Prof. Emirates Md. Abdul Aziz said that ?language is our right. Our passion has reduced to this right. Now a day, it is also victimized of ignorance. All of us should aware to preserve this right.? At present days, beloved mother language is badly malpractice by its improper pronunciation in the name of regional language. It is really surprising that after passing 42 years of emancipation, our negligence to this language does not decrease. It is our responsibility to use proper bangla that can easily understand by all. This is only because; the first seed of our liberation was seed by our brilliant language martyrs in 1952. So, the spirit of language revolutionary movement should be preserved for getting rid from hostility.?? Honourable Professor Dr. Suresh Ranjan Basak ; Dean, School of Humanities and Social Sciences , Professor Dr. Taher Billal Khalifa; Dean, Business Administration, Dean in charge of Science and Technology Professor Chowdhury Mohammad Mukammel Wahid, Registrar? Professor Khandakeer Mahmudur Rahman also presented their valuable speech. Everybody strongly emphasized on the pure practice of Bengali language. They also gave importance in using Bengali language in every steps of our life and protecting error mistakes. Executive Tareq Islam, Deputy Registrar Muhammad Fazlur Rab, Rama Islam, Sheikh Ashrafur Rahman and Miah Md. Asaduzzaman whom are Head in charge of Department of English, Law and Justice and EEE, Deputy Registrar Lukman Ahmad Chowdhury (Public Add) and all teachers, stuffs and students were attend in this program. In the beginning of the program everyone was keep silent for one minute. The whole program was conducted by Pankaj Bhattacharjee, Senior Lecturer, Department of English.
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