Metropolitan University Congratulated the Cabinet Members

Metropolitan University congratulated five Ministers and State ministers who have been selected as the cabinet members of the newly formed government after the eleventh parliament elections.

The Chairman Board of Trustees Dr. Toufique Rahman Chowdhury and the Vice Chancellor of the University Professor Dr. Md. Saleh Uddin congratulated the cabinet members who have been elected from Sylhet Division.

They said in a congratulatory message ?Metropolitan University family is very glad to see Dr. A K Abdul Mumen(Foreign Affairs), Mr. Shahab Uddin (Environment, Forest & Climate Change), Mr. M A Mannan (Planning), ?Mr. Emran Ahmed (Expatriates Welfare & Overseas Development), Mr. Mahbub Ali (Civil Aviation & Tourism) as the cabinet members of the government. Holding the hand of these experienced ministers, Sylhet division will move towards the peak of progress along with the nation.?

They also said, ?In the previous cabinet, there were three ministers from Sylhet Division. This time the cabinet have two state ministers with three ministers. It shows the sincerity of the Honourable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in the overall development of Sylhet. The University family is also thankful to the Prime Minister for keeping five parliament members in the cabinet from the Sylhet Division.?

The Chairman Board of Trustees Dr. Toufique Rahman Chowdhury and the Vice Chancellor of the University Professor Dr. Md. Saleh Uddin wished them good health and longevity.
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