Representatives from three renowned private universities of Sylhet have sat with Metropolitan University Sports Club for having discussion on upcoming UPL-2. Meeting is held in Metropolitan University Conference hall at 3pm. There are some major decisions are taken today by this conversation.
Four universities will make a tournament observation committee with eight members including two teachers from each university.
Each university will have one team and there will have total 4 teams in tournament. Every team will play 2 matches with each team. In this way every team will play 6 matches. There will have 13 matches including final. Since it is a league so after 12
th match top two team of the table will play final. Entry fee is set 7000TK for per team.
Besides it is also decided a press conference will be called 3/4 days before the opening Ceremony as well there will have a road show just before the day of tournament.
Moreover committee has taken decision on gallery distribution for the supporters, rules and regulation about the match and use of green room etc.
Next meeting will be held on 20
th Aug at 3pm with the representatives of three universities.