Under the initiative of University, winter clothing was distributed.
Under the initiative of Metropolitan University, winter clothes have been distributed among the needy. This winter clothes distribution program was organized at the permanent campus of the University on Sunday. These winter clothes are distributed among hundreds of poor and marginalized people. The chairman of the University, Dr. Toufique Rahman Chowdhury, was present as the chief guest, along with the special guest, Vice Chairman, Mr. Tanwir M. O. Rahman Chowdhury. Under the chairmanship of Vice-Chancellor Professor Dr. Mohammad Jahirul Hoque, Registrar Tarek Islam, heads of various departments, teachers, and officials were present in the distribution ceremony. In a short speech, Dr. Toufique Rahman Chowdhury said, "Humanitarian activities are always foremost for Metropolitan University." In flood, winter, or any disaster, the University family stands by the people in need. As part of this, we are standing next to the cold people. Cold people express their gratitude to the Metropolitan University for providing warmth during the bone-chilling winters.
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