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Leadership and Management
Vice Chancellor
Professor Dr. Mohammad Jahirul Hoque
Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Metropolitan University
Professor Dr Mohammad Jahirul Hoque, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor of Metropolitan University, Sylhet and one of the renowned institutions of higher education of Sylhet as well as Bangladesh was born in a noble Muslim family in the Shayestanagar Residential Area of Habiganj Pourashova. He passed SSC from General Science Group in 1993 from J. K. and H. K. High School in Habiganj with star marks and HSC from Humanities Group in 1995 from Government Brindaban College, Habiganj. Later, he was admitted to the Department of Political Studies and Public Affairs at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology in Sylhet and made an outstanding achievement there. He received Bachelor of Social Science (BSS) Honours degree from this Department in 1998 (Examinations held in 2000) with ‘A’ grade and with distinction. His CGPA in BSS examination was the highest among the all graduates in the entire university in that year. For this feat, he received Chancellor Gold Medal (President Gold Medal) in the 3rd Convocation held on 20 January 2020. At the same time, he received the Vice-Chancellor’s Medal and UGC Merit Scholarship-2000 for the highest CGPA in the School of Social Sciences and the University Book Prize for obtaining the highest CGPA in the Department. Later, he received MSS degree with ‘A’ grade and with distinction from the same Department in 1999 (Examinations held in 2002). In that academic year, he received the Vice-Chancellor’s Medal for the highest CGPA in the School of Social Sciences and the University Book Medal for obtaining the highest CGPA in his Department. In 2009, he became the first student at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology to receive the Commonwealth Scholarship in the UK. Under the said scholarship, he obtained a Master’s degree in Peace and Development from Applied Global Ethics of Leeds Metropolitan University in the UK with a merit award. After receiving the Commonwealth Scholarship for the second time in 2012, he completed his PhD in 2018 from the Department of Development Studies of the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, UK. His thesis titled ‘Marginalisation and Environmental Degradation: The Case of the Khasi People in Bangladesh’ was accepted for the PhD award without corrections. Mohammad Jahirul Hoque joined as Lecturer in the Department of Business Administration at Leading University in May 2002. He performed an important role in the administration of that institution in his tenure. Later, he was recruited by Shahjalal University of Science and Technology in April 2004 as a Lecturer in the Department of Political Studies and Public Administration. He was promoted to the post of Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Studies in December 2006, Associate Professor in February 2014 and Professor in August 2018. On 5 August 2022, he was promoted to a Grade-2 Professor in the Department of Political Studies at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology. Professor Dr Mohammad Jahirul Hoque served Shahjalal University of Science and Technology in different capacities such as Assistant Provost of Bangabandhu Hall, Member of the Executive Committee of the School of Social Sciences, Member of the Board of Advanced Studies, Member of SUST Research Ethics Board, Member of SUST Digitization Committee called Total SUST and Member of Central Admission Test Committee (2020-2021 and 2021-2022). He also held various important responsibilities including Executive Editor of the Journal of Politics and Administration. Apart from presenting research works in various national and international seminars, a good number of research articles of Professor Dr Mohammad Jahirul Hoque have been published in the peer reviewed journals from home and abroad. His published books are referred at the university level. He presented papers at different conferences held at the University of Oxford in the UK, Institute of South Asian Studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in the University of London, and the Lund University of Sweden. He writes in various national and local newspapers on national and international issues regularly. He is interviewed by different television channels on contemporary issues. Professor Dr Mohammad Jahirul Hoque is an active organizer of various socio-cultural, educational and developmental activities. He was awarded Life Membership in platforms like Bangladesh Red Crescent Society, Bangladesh Political Science Association, Bangladesh Environmental Movement (BAPA), National Heart Foundation Habiganj, Habiganj Diabetic Hospital, Habiganj Sadar Modern Hospital Patient’s Welfare Association, Habiganj Samiti Sylhet, Habiganj Nazrul Academy, and Surabitan Fine Arts Centre, Habiganj. He excelled in sports, culture, scouting and BNCC during his student life. He led the J. K. and H. K. High School Scout Group in the 14th Chittagong Regional Scout Rally in 1993 and the Government Brindaban College Rover Scout Group in the 14th National Rover Moot in 1995. Professor Dr Mohammad Jahirul Hoque is also a member of the Commonwealth Scholarship Alumni Association UK, Leeds Beckett University Alumni Association UK, SOAS University of London Alumni Association UK and Development Studies Association (DSA), UK. He is a Member of Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Honorary Member of the Rotary Club of Habiganj Central, National Council Member of the Bangladesh Environmental Movement (BAPA), Founder President of the Political Studies Alumni Association SUST, Senior Member of Habiganj Jiban Sanket Natyagosthi, President of Habiganj District Branch of National Association of UNESCO Clubs in Bangladesh and the Founding Member of Habiganj Journalist Welfare Association. He was the Member Secretary of the National Convention on ‘Indigenous Peoples and Environment of Sylhet 2012’ organised by Bangladesh Environment Movement (BAPA), Bangladesh Environment Network (BEN) and Shahjalal University of Science and Technology in collaboration with Metropolitan University and Sylhet International University. The manifesto of the three-day conference serves as an outline to protect the marginalized people and endangered environment of Sylhet. Moreover, he served as Joint Member Secretary of the 1st International Conference of the School of Social Sciences, SUST. His Excellency President of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and Chancellor of Universities, Md. Abdul Hamid appointed him the Vice Chancellor of Metropolitan University, Sylhet for a four years term in pursuance of the provisions of Section 31(1) of the Private Universities Act, 2010 conveyed through a notification of the Ministry of Education, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh issued on 16 November 2022. Earlier, Honorable State Minister of Education, Honorable Minister of Education and Honorable Prime Minister signed the appointment file of Professor Dr Mohammad Jahirul Hoque as the Vice Chancellor of Metropolitan University. He joined Metropolitan University as the Vice Chancellor on 1 December 2022. He was granted leave by the authority of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology for the position of Vice Chancellor of Metropolitan University, Sylhet. It should be mentioned that Professor Dr Mohammad Jahirul Hoque is the first graduate of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology to be appointed as the Vice Chancellor of any university in the country. Besides, he is currently the youngest among the Vice Chancellors of all public and private universities in the country.