Research & Publications

Md. Mahfujul Hasan
Assistant Professor

1. S. R. Sabuj, Md. Mahfujul Hasan and Md. Jakir Hossain,” Effects of Backscattering and atmospheric scintillation on OFDM Based Optical Wireless Communication,” International Journal on Communications (IJC), Volume 3 Issue 1, March 2014.

2. Md. Mahfujul Hasan, S. R. Sabuj and Kazi Wohiduzzaman, “Performance Analysis
of an OFDM Based Optical Wireless Communication Impaired by Backscattering,” International Journal on Communications (IJC), Volume 2, Issue 3, September 2013.

3. Rumel M S Rahman Pir and Md. Mahfujul Hasan,”Performance Limitations of a Wireless Optical Link Impaired by Backscattering and Atmospheric Scintillation,”International Journal of Research and reviews in Computing Engineering (IJRRCE), Vol-1, No-1 (2011).


Md. Rashedul Islam
Assistant Professor

1. Study the Characteristics of PV Module Using a Sun Simulator; International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology ,Vol.3, (2014), 1071-1073

2. Design and Improvement of GSM Network in a Local Area, International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology, Vol.1, (2014),41- 46

3. Image Reconstruction Using Pixel Wise Support Vector Machine (SVM) Classification, International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, Vol.4 (2015), 233-235

4. Design of a Low cost Non Electrical Type Baby Incubator for Developing Country, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Vol.7, (2016), 1148-1153


Nazmin Akter
Senior Lecturer

1. Nazmin Akter,C. Wadia Iqbal , Parallel Computing Using Remote Method Invocation (RMI) , 2011, International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education 2011 ICERIE 2011, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh.

2. Nazmin Akter, Grammar For Bangla Verb Phrase (KRIYAGUCCHO), World Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, wjert, 2017, Vol. 3, Issue 2, March 2017 .

3. Nazmin Akter, Fabiha Ferdous Chowdhury, Extraction Of Bangla Root Verbs From Sentences,
World Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, wjert, 2017, Vol. 3, Issue 2, March 2017 .

4. Nazmin Akter*, Wahidur Rahman , Analysis of The Performance of few Websites of the
Government of Bangladesh, WJERT, 2017, Vol. 3, Issue 2, March 2017.


Md. Akhlak Uz Zaman

1. Haque, S.R., Kormokar, R. and Zaman, A.U., 2017, April. Drone ground control station with enhanced safety features. In Convergence in Technology (I2CT), 2017 2nd International Conference for (pp. 1207-1210). IEEE.

2. Razwanul Haque, S., Md Asaduzzaman, M., Kormokar, R., Uz Zaman Ashik, A., Hossain Rahat, M. and Karmakar, P., 2015. Low Cost Wireless Electronic Braille Reader. American Academic & Scholarly Research Journal, 7(7).

3. Haque, S.R., Kormokar, R. and Zaman, A.U., June, 2015, Fingerprint Enabled Electronic Voting Machine with Enhanced Security, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Pages 368-374, Volume 5, Issue 6.


Md Abdul Al Azmain

1. Sarkar, T., Kundu, M.K., Azmain, M.A.A. and Khan, M.A.G., 2017, February. Thermal conduction in graphene thin films considering different materials of various shapes. In Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE), International Conference on (pp. 369-374). IEEE.

2. Azmain, M.A.A., Kundu, M.K., Sarkar, T. and Khan, M.A.G., 2017, February. Modified architecture of multilayer graphene as highly efficient heat spreader. In Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE), International Conference on (pp. 364-368). IEEE.

3. Hossain, M.F. and Azmain, M.A.A., 2016, May. Investigation of modified shapes in graphene heat spreaders considering flakes architecture. In Informatics, Electronics and Vision (ICIEV), 2016 5th International Conference on (pp. 1033-1036). IEEE.

4. Hossain, M.F., Azmain, M.A.A. and Sarkar, T., 2015, November. Modified architecture of graphene based heat spreaders for thermal management. In Electrical & Electronic Engineering (ICEEE), 2015 International Conference on (pp. 285-288). IEEE.


Amit Kumar Chakrabarty

1. A. K. Chakraborty, P. Shahrear, M. A. Islam, Analysis of Epidemic Model by Differential Transform Method, Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology, Vol-4, Issue-2, PP. 6574-6581, February-2017, Germany.

2. P. Shahrear, A. K. Chakraborty, M. A. Islam, U. Habiba, Analysis of Computer Virus Propagation by Compartmental Model, Applied and Computational Mathematics, Science Publishing Group, Vol-7, Issue- 1-2, PP. 12-21, September-2017, USA.


Sakhawat Hossain Saimon

1. Sheikh N. M., Sakhawat. H, Md. Mustafijur R., Mithun D., Md. Ruhul A., Sachetan: A Crowdsource Based Personal Safety Application, International Conference On Emerging Technologies In Data Mining And Information Security (accepted and waiting to appear)


Jagoth Jyoti Dey

1. Islam, M.S., Islam, M.A., Hossain, M.A. and Dey, J.J., 2016, December. Supervised approach of sentimentality extraction from bengali facebook status. In Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2016 19th International Conference on(pp. 383-387). IEEE


Summit Haque

1. A Stochastic Decision Tree Model for Predicting T20 International Cricket Match Result, International Conference on Engineering Research Innovation and Education 2017. Authors: Summit Haque, Moqsadur Rahman, MD. Saiful Islam

2. A System for Recommending Colleges to HSC Appointees Using Slope One Algorithm, International Conference on Computer and Information Technology 2017. Authors: Summit Haque, Moqsadur Rahman, Sheikh Nabil Mohammad


Sharmishtha Dutta

1. A comparison study of temporal signature mining over
traditional data mining techniques to detect network

2. Temporal signature mining for network intrusion

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